
#NotAnotherFoot is a broad network of civil rights, human rights, immigrant rights, environmental justice and Native American organizations in border cities and across the US who seek to immediately end the ongoing cruelty and inhumanity caused by the Trump Border wall, which is continuing despite Biden’s promise to stop it.

Join our growing list of partners.

Do you want to join our campaign? 
The following are a list of participating organizations.

OUR SUPPORTERS No Border Wall Coalition (Laredo, TX), Kumeyaay Tribal Nation (CA), Tohono O’odham Tribal Nation (AZ), Carrizo/Comecrudo Tribal Nation (TX), Rio Grande International Study Center (Laredo, TX), National Butterfly Center (Mission, TX), Center For Biological Diversity
#NotAnotherFoot #MrBidenTearDownThisWall #FreeThemAll #ReuniteFamilies #ProtectTheSacred